If you are not satisfied with the merchandise you receive from us for any reason other than customer error , you may return your items in its original form, for a prompt refund. For errors we must be able to find the original order for us to provide fair handling and the order can not be older than 30 days. Refunds for items returned within thirty days of the purchase date will be credited in the same form as the original payment, e.g. check or credit card. Refunds for items returned more than thirty days after the purchase date will be in the form of a store credit redeemable on your next purchase. Shipping and handling charges for the original order and for the return of merchandise are not refundable. For customer errors we do provide discounts for remakes but we do not accept returns for customized stamps as we can not resell them.
If an order must be cancelled, it must be done within 12 hours from the time it was placed to receive a full refund. After the initial 12 hour period, if the custom items are complete and ready to ship, a partial credit of 25% will be issued. If the incorrect information was submitted to us, the incorrect items can be remade with a 25% discount off the retail price. If you return the items that need to be corrected, you will receive a 30% discount to have them redone. Either way, shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. If there is a state requirement change we will not be liable for remaking custom items at no charge, however we will treat each case at our discretion to help defray the cost of remakes.
To prevent a delay in refunding, call 800-817-1730 before returning your items to receive a Return Authorization Number. Please mail your package in a prepaid, insured, traceable method to the address below. We do not accept COD's (Collect on Delivery).
Presto Direct, LLC
Returns Department
616 Braeburn Way
Canonsburg, PA 15317